Natural Best Techniques For Healing
Acupuncture Therapy Call us today 732-264-2233
Acupuncture therapy will begin with a consultation. During this consultation, the Acupuncturist will inquire about your medical history and perform an examination. Based on these results a customized treatment plan is formulated to address your conditions and/or ailments. During the treatment process the patient will have the option to remain seated or lay on a treatment table. A typical Airport Plaza Spine and Wellness Acupuncture session lasts anywhere from 15-45 minutes and patients typically feel no pain or discomfort during insertion of the needles.
Acupuncture has served as a principal healing practice for over 3,000 years, getting its origins in ancient China.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy is a traditional Chinese Medicine practice that is widely used for the treatment of muscle and joint dysfunction.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment that relieves stress, tension and muscle pain.
Ear Seeds-Auriculotherapy
Ear seeds are adhesive seeds that are placed on acupressure points on the ear to address symptoms of the physical and emotional body.
We Can Help You Live Pain Free
• Sports Injuries
• Neck/Back Pain
• Arthritis
• Knee Pain
• Carpal Tunnel
• Migraines/Headaches
• Neuropathy/Radiculopathy
• Allergies/Sinus Issues
• Anxiety/Stress Management
• Weight Loss Management
• Insomnia
Most Major Insurances Accepted. Call for more information or book an apt online.
***We do not participate in Medicaid
1354 Route 36 Hazlet NJ 07730
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